<![CDATA[PTM Coaching & Consulting - News]]>Sat, 11 May 2024 13:20:23 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[(Re)Create a Winning Employee Experience in 2021]]>Tue, 12 Jan 2021 23:48:20 GMThttp://ptmc2.com/news/recreate-a-winning-employee-experience-in-2021BY KRISTIN BARRY, NATE DVORAK AND BEN WIGERT - ​JANUARY 8, 2021 Picture
Here are five crucial areas to focus on during 2021 to keep your employee experience at the top of its game.

1). Hiring
2). Onboarding
3). Performance
4). Development
5). Employee Wellbeing

​Read the full Gallup article here --> 

<![CDATA[How to Build Trust and Boost Productivity Within Remote Teams]]>Tue, 18 Aug 2020 19:55:27 GMThttp://ptmc2.com/news/how-to-build-trust-and-boost-productivity-within-remote-teams


Great article from Gallup on how to build trust and boost productivity within remote teams. Good resource for Managers in particular: "Gallup has been studying the variables that influence the productivity and well being of remote workers. Our findings in short: Your remote workers' productivity depends on one role -- the manager."
Here's how to equip yourself as a manager for the future of remote work: 1). Study past performance, then trust it. This includes leveraging the talents of your people to get it done. 2). Understand the unique contributions of each team member, then activate.

​Utilizing assessments such as the PXT Select™ can help managers identify and capitalize on their team's strengths - boosting trust, engagement, and overall execution.

Read the full article here --> ​https://tinyurl.com/yy6tt573
<![CDATA[3 SKILLS EVERY EMPLOYEE NEEDS IN 2020 (AND BEYOND)]]>Tue, 04 Aug 2020 20:22:06 GMThttp://ptmc2.com/news/3-skills-every-employee-needs-in-2020-and-beyondBy Jeff Miller July 10, 2020 - Rework
"As technology continues to upend the way we work, these soft skills—specifically: adaptability, delivering feedback and empathy—will ensure that employees can continue to work together and problem-solve."
<![CDATA[Five Simple Ways to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence Every Day]]>Mon, 03 Aug 2020 17:57:10 GMThttp://ptmc2.com/news/five-simple-ways-to-boost-your-emotional-intelligence-every-dayBY HARVEY DEUTSCHENDORF3 MINUTE READ
Especially right now in our time of uncertainty...and around the clock video calls...five simple ways we can boost our emotional intelligence every day (and maybe feel more in control).

<![CDATA[This is the way to create an effective crisis response strategy]]>Sat, 06 Jun 2020 05:00:00 GMThttp://ptmc2.com/news/this-is-the-way-to-create-an-effective-crisis-response-strategyBY TAMI ROSEN–ATLASSIAN     7 MINUTE READ
Great article about what Atlassian is doing to "navigate a rapidly changing reality on a timeline you don't control."

​"We know the time for immediate response is over. Our job now is to dig in for the long haul."  

Read the full article here.
<![CDATA[9 Ways To Give Effective Employee Feedback]]>Wed, 20 May 2020 02:00:31 GMThttp://ptmc2.com/news/9-ways-to-give-effective-employee-feedbackBy David Hassell, CEO of 15Five
Employee feedback is an incredibly powerful tool. If offered properly, it has the ability to grow and develop the people of your organization, improve the levels of trust and communication, and strengthen bonds between employees and managers. But unfortunately, feedback is often ignored or omitted entirely in an effort to avoid discomfort.
Here are nine tips to help managers and leaders give employee feedback that’s frequent, effective, and will help you get you the outcome you need.

Read the full story here.
<![CDATA[What High-Performance Workplaces Do Differently]]>Tue, 21 Jan 2020 20:57:21 GMThttp://ptmc2.com/news/what-high-performance-workplaces-do-differentlyBY ROB DESIMONE                         WORKPLACE DECEMBER 12, 2019
Organizations that have made a strategic investment in employee development, Gallup finds, report 11% greater profitability and are twice as likely to retain their employees. So what do these high-performance workplaces doing differently? Read more here.
<![CDATA[How to Bring Out the Best in Teams]]>Thu, 25 Jul 2019 21:48:13 GMThttp://ptmc2.com/news/how-to-bring-out-the-best-in-teamsBy: Andrew R. McIlvaine | July 19, 2019 • 12 min read
It's not the culture that matters...it is the team, and the people who lead these teams, when attracting and retaining talent.

Read the full article here.
<![CDATA[April 26th, 2019]]>Fri, 26 Apr 2019 16:49:57 GMThttp://ptmc2.com/news/april-26th-2019
Hiring is a little like scanning through Netflix for the next show to commit to. Stick with us here.

With Netflix, you have so many choices, and the opportunities for entertainment are endless. But even if something is critically acclaimed, it might not be for you. Even if your friend recommends a program, it might be too slapstick for your tastes. Make the wrong choice, and you just wasted hours of your scarce leisure time.

Read more here --> 
<![CDATA[Essential Ingredients for an Effective Onboarding Program]]>Wed, 20 Mar 2019 15:23:49 GMThttp://ptmc2.com/news/essential-ingredients-for-an-effective-onboarding-programGallup - BY DIPAK SUNDARAM AND NIRAJ PATEL
Great article regarding the importance of new hire onboarding - focus on a longer onboarding period vs. a one-time onboarding event.

Read more here -> https://tinyurl.com/y4n4u2pp
